Eureka Springs, Arkansas - City of Healing
Pardon us, is our aura showing?
Reprinted from the Eureka Springs Voice

Most of those who linger a while in our enchanted Victorian village know that the city was founded on the healing springs of the area. Many continue to turn to the restorative power of the place to rest, relax and rejuvenate.
And some know that Eureka Springs boasts an above-average number of psychics, palm readers, Tarot advisers, white witches, water witchers, warlocks, massage therapists, aromatherapists, spa trainers, astologers, hypnotists, counselors and other healers living and working actively in town.

An increasing number of visitors are drawn to Eureka for its practice of what elsewhere might be labeled "alternative" or "new-age." But residents, remember, support these enterprises all year 'round. Every day, passing to and from work, we pass at least a half-dozen businesses, some tucked comfortably in the high-ticket Historic District, others nothing more than converted residences doubling as at-home businesses that profess to have special insight into my future and yours. It's part and parcel of the local tradition.

Eureka just wouldn't be Eureka without its plethora of psychic advisers-cum-astrologers-cum shamans: they are a part of this city's wonderfully eccentric, endearing urban personality. Even the most casual visitor to the city quickly meets Coyote, the hard-living backwoods psychic who makes his home in a teepee and uses a native whetstone to sharpen knives around town, or Gary Standing Bear, the Lakota contractor who jousts at Renaissance fairs and writes of native American healing methods.

Frequent guests sing the praises of Joe Maes, the free-spirited teacher who is master of the purification rite and magic with the minds of children. Locals often seek advice from skilled resident-astrologers, and guests linger in the lobby of the New Orleans Hotel to learn the secrets of the Tarot. A major Eurekan web-design firm consults the stars before committing to any significant business decision. This newspaper was launched at an hour deemed propitious by astrologer Barbara Harmony.

Metaphysical Eureka has prided itself on its new-age attitudes since its founding before the turn of the century. Health spas continue to offer the promise of relaxation and rejuvenation. Gyms tucked in historic hotels specialize in stress relief and fitness. Massage therapists offer reflexology, acupuncture, deep-tissue massage, wraps and facials. Jacuzzis sparkle from every nook and cranny, inviting your entry into healing waters.

Springs still dot the landscape within the city limit and outside its drawn boundaries. Imaginative inns, retreats, and learning centers target a whole range of interests, including health and well-being, many forms of therapy and self-help, the practice of esoteric or spiritual tradition, concern for humanity and the environment, and respect for nature and feminine wisdom.

Tarot decks, runes, dowsing rods, pendulums, crystals, gemstones, medicine bags, candles, herbs, prayer shawls, books and divination tools abound in curious shops and learning centers throughout town.

Stay with us and see our aura.

Related articles: The Emerald Rainbow     Psychic Friends

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